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Nice little game! I just bought Neptune :)

I think adding stars as background can help reduce weirdness of sun's motion, it currently looks like the sun just randomly walks around (but I get the idea, you are trying to have a minimal bounding box of all the planets and zoom the camera to fit it)

Also why did you decide to go with A B C instead of usual K M B ... ? Just wondering, because 10k 10m 10b feels more natural than 10a 10b 10c, just my opinion

Overall very nice :)


Stars are planned.

I have implemented having normal names for the number formatting (as well as scientific), however that will become available once I add settings and add in all of the names.

I went with A B C because it was far easier to generate for huge numbers, and once I know what kind of number range I'm going to I can set up the names.

A B C is fairly standard for idle games, it's only really AdVenture Capitalist that uses full names. It's harder to reason with, whereas with letters you know that P is 1000x more than O.

I see, the only clicker that I played a lot is CookieCliecker, it uses full names and it looks fine I would say

There is also the space constraint, getting to quadrillions you need "QD", and then undecillion needs "UnD", it just requires a bit too much space than I can afford


I really enjoy it so far though I got some slight motion sickness or something early on and the camera sometimes doesn’t show all the planets. I do really like the concept so far. I played it until it took trillions to upgrade anything to the next level.

Yeah, the camera movement is a little much. Planets will be slower and I want to make a camera director to be more proactive than purely reactive. Currently it tries to fit all planets into a box and then move to the middle and zoom to fit the box into the screen with a margin, so if a planet shoots off the screen it takes some time to get down to it and by that time it's already back on screen.

It's so fast because I want people who are just checking it out to be able to fly through rather than wait an hour and not have all of the planned content. I might change the upgrade to be smaller speed boost combined with a score multiplier to have the same doubling.

That makes sense. Is this repository public? I’d love to see the codebase after the jam is over especially the cool camera mechanic. I enjoyed it a lot and I’m excited to see the full thing at voting time!